AMAZON BOOKS by J’miah Nabawi

World-Beat Books™ invite you to check out J’miah’s “off the beaten path” books available on and most Amazon world markets.“Stories are the crown jewels of language” J’miah Nabawi
J’miah Nabawi puts his spin on “Why Spiders Hide in Corners,” and now offers the story in French, Spanish, German, and Chinese. Obtain his downloadable eBOOKs specially priced, reduced to $0.99 until July 4, 2023, before going back to their $3.99 retail price on AMAZON.

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“Enjoy the summer, everyone! Thanks for inviting me to your school, your socials and family reunions, and annual leadership conference luncheon.” J’miah Nabawi
“I loved the talking sweet potatoes! I loved this book! It was fun to read and learned how to make a special surprise at the end. The best part of this book is it can be enjoyed by children and adults. The drawings were cute and I was truly engaged!”